Pointy Hat Cast 010: Spider-Man Far From Home

Bed, Bath, and Beyonder

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Hosts: Barry, Isaiah, Sam

Topic: Spider-Man Far From Home - A very competent take on a teenage rom-com and a coming of age story. It does fall apart a small bit in the third act in narrative, character development, and overall cohesion but it is incredibly visually stunning! A movie full of touching and meaningful character moments as well as visually stunning action.

Also Barry predicts 3 things:

  1. The next big Marvel Avengers story arc will revolve around the Beyonder.
  2. The big payoff slogan will be "With great power, comes great responsibility".
  3. ...I forgot.

Isaiah finally escapes from Japan, but what movie will we do next week? Even we don't know! Tune in next week to find out!

Bad podcast is bad, if you want to watch the badness live, catch us on twitch: www.twitch.tv/duckyobrien

Side note: I spent around 30 hours editing the podcast because we can't speak. Hopefully people enjoy it and we are working to upgrade our recording environment as much as we can! Look forward to it!

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