Pointy Hat Cast - Twelve Days of Star Wars - Episode IX

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Today is day nine of our twelve days of Star Wars special. Today we're going over Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. While it is an entertaining roller coaster ride of a movie with thrills and action, it lacks a lot of character development and relies on characters looking at the screen or another character and telling us what is happening and how people are feeling and how we should feel about it instead of showing it. I love the idea of this movie and the idea of the characters, but the actual movie and the characters presented lack luster to me.

Thank you guys for being patient as I edit the episodes as fast as I can. I have returned to a normal schedule of content creation now that the holidays are over so I only have weekends free to edit!

In the holiday spirit, thank you guys for the support and for listening all this time. From our very first crappy episode, to our latest crappy episode, stay pointy friends.

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